25336 170th PL SE
Covington, WA 98042
Phone: 253 520 0388
Email: dstaal@staaleng.com

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What is a Structural Condition Assessment?

A Structural Condition Assessment is an essential first step to help you meet your objectives for your building Renovation, Addition, or Repair because it provides you with a realistic assessment of the structure's condition and informs you about what is viable or possible in the proposed renovation to an existing building. The information you receive can help you avoid starting a renovation that is not viable or purchasing a building that cannot feasibly be made to function for your intended purpose.


  • Assist you (the Architect, building owner, or developer) in evaluating the condition of existing structure and determining its suitability for the proposed renovations, addition, or repairs.
  • Identify structural systems with known unsatisfactory performance and adjust the renovation concept to eliminate the expense for strengthening of these systems.
  • Develop alternative structural renovation concepts that optimize the benefits of architectural use and form at minimum construction costs.
  • Evaluate the viability and feasibility of various alternative structural renovation concepts before you commit to a Concept.

How will the Structural Condition Assessment be conducted?

Evaluation of the structure condition will be made by a licensed professional engineer based on investigations at the site using methods, which generally follow guidelines presented in ASCE Task Committee on Guidelines for Failure Investigation of the Technical Council on Forensic Engineering. The nature and extent will depend upon Client’s stated Objectives, Scope, and Budget.

  • Visual examination of the existing structural framing members, connections, and foundations and inspect for indications of structural distress
  • Assess the extent and probable cause of any observed damage
  • Field locate reinforcement in masonry or reinforced concrete walls using subsurface exploration with G.P.R. (Ground penetrating radar.)
  • Field Measurements, document search, and analysis to develop As-built drawings

What problems are commonly encountered?

Bad masonry Masonry wall cracking
Rotted beam Timber Girder for a Pedestrian Ramp with extensive Rot